Sider-Proof FF-PR (manufactured by Sider-Crete, Inc.) – An advanced technology in cement-based, swimming pool plaster and resurfacing coating for plaster, ICF, concrete, and concrete block swimming pools. It is packaged as a pre-blended kit and easy-to-apply with a standard paint roller. This coating is also designed to coat ICF Pools (Insulated Concrete Forms), waterfalls, fountains & concrete ponds. It is suitable for residential, commercial, hot-tubs, chlorine and salt water system application. This product is NOT paint but a true cement-based plaster! It is available in a wide array of pre-blended colors and speckled colors, premixed with colored quartz.
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Looks like a great product. How much is it and where can I get it in the interior of bc.
$129 per kit that covers 60 sft
Hello..I have a potential customer wanting plaster …
I’m wondering how this stands up in our canadian winters..