Pre-registration for this year’s World Aquatic Health™ Conference (WAHC), hosted by the National Swimming Pool Foundation® (NSPF®), closes Aug. 1.
The conference will be held at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz., from Oct. 7 to 9, and those who register prior to the deadline can still save on the cost to attend. Further, pre-registration is necessary for a number of the conference’s events, including the three-day NSPF instructor course, an Insider’s Tour of local, unique aquatic facilities, the speaker’s breakfast, and the Build a Pool Conference.
This year’s Welcome Reception will celebrate NSPF’s 50th anniversary of keeping pools open and safer. Other special events include a private showing of the Missy Franklin and Kara Lynn Joyce documentary, “Touch the Wall”; the International NSPF Instructor Meeting; an Environmental Health Leader Reception; and an Emerging Leaders Reception.
The first bi‐annual ‘Vote on the Code’ meeting of the Council of the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC) will also be held during the WAHC. The CMAHC is a non-profit organization that oversees the collecting, assessing, and relaying to CDC of important Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) update recommendations. Pre-registration for this two-day forum is required and can be completed here.
Finally, it is not too late for those interested in submitting a poster presentation at the conference. To do so, complete the form and submit it to conference@nspf.org by Aug. 14 for consideration.
Complete conference details, including an interactive seminar schedule, presenter bios, special conference events, and online registration can be found on the WAHC’s website (www.thewahc.org).