A new guideline to protect workers from a number of extreme weather conditions, such as high heat and humidity and cold temperatures, will be made available to employers by the end of 2016.
According to Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), when complete, CSA Z1010—Management of Work in Extreme Conditions will provide a made-in-Canada set of guidelines for workplaces dealing with these conditions inside, outside, and in confined spaces.
Dave Shanahan, CSA’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards project manager, says grouping extreme conditions together will make it easier for workplaces to develop a comprehensive program in line with their existing health and safety management policies.
Like the existing standards in the CSA Z1000 series, CSA Z1010 will be systems-based, whereby offering continuous improvement framework featuring processes for identifying and eliminating hazards; assessing and controlling risks associated with hazards that cannot be eliminated; implementing hazard reduction structures and practices; and fostering a health and safety culture.
To address heat hazards now, employers can minimize risks by developing some of the following policies and procedures:
- train staff on the hazards, symptoms, and prevention of heat stress;
- acclimatize workers, especially those who are new to the job and/or young;
- schedule jobs with high heat exposure to cooler times of day;
- reduce physical demands during high heat times;
- include adequate rest and hydration breaks;
- provide cool areas during break periods;
- provide relief workers or extra workers for physically demanding jobs;
- set up systems for reporting incidents and initiating first aid;
- monitor weather reports daily;
- provide water in convenient, visible locations close to the worksite; and
- provide protective equipment and clothing.
“This time of year we see situations where people can easily become dehydrated and suffer heat stress,” says Shanahan. “Other risks for workers include burns and melanoma. Young workers are particularly at risk as they are not used to working in the heat; they tend to overdo it without realizing what danger they are in by working too hard.”