Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre in Brampton, Ont., played host to the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) 2015 Toronto chapter golf tournament, and despite a 15-minute rain delay golfers found the course beautiful and challenging.
The 2014 tournament was held at Wooden Sticks Golf Club in Uxbridge, Ont., however, the Toronto chapter decided to change the venue in effort to find a course that was not only exciting to play, but also more central to the chapter’s member base.

After a drop in last year’s attendance, participation in this year’s Aug. 19 tournament increased by almost three foursomes, as approximately 130 chapter members (32.5 foursomes) vied for the ‘Top Team’ trophy while playing on the club’s Legends course. The first hole would set the stage for many participants as the green has a complex ‘Lion’s paw’ shape, which proved to be difficult for golfers of all skill levels. If this was not challenging enough, the Credit River flows through or beside 14 of the course’s 18 holes.
After play concluded, attendees gathered in the Lion’s Den for a buffet dinner and the prize giveaway, which included items such as a Niagara Falls getaway package, Horseshoe Ski Resort package, Go Pro camera, and a Samsung tablet.
This year’s tournament champions and skill award recipients included:
- Rick Johnson, Scott Frisby, and Jason Mitchell (The Pool Craft Company), and Darren Hill (Pentair Aquatic Systems), won the grand-prize team trophy (lowest combined score) with a nine under par;
- Brey Gibson (Bonavista Pools Ltd.) and Nicole Elvis (John’s Leisurescapes), were the winners of the men’s and women’s closest-to-the-pin contest; and
- Adam Saunders (Oracle RMS Insurance) and Rachel Radtke (Precisions Pools), had the women’s longest drive.
Proceeds from this year’s 50-50 draw were donated to an education fund for Jason Mines’ children. He unexpectedly passed away earlier this year. Dave Huxtable (Mursatt Chemicals Ltd.) was the winner of the 50-50 draw and donated his portion back to the fund. Clarence Rosevear (Sani-Marc) did the same with his winnings from the putting contest.