The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada’s (PHTCC’s) continuing education program, which now enables members to earn credits towards Aquatic Recreational Specialist and Expert certification, continues to be popular.
Recently, Chris Neirinck of CN Aquatics in Carleton Place, Ont., successfully answered the skill-testing questions from eight separate articles from Pool & Spa Marketing, which is the equivalent to completing two elective courses within the PHTCC’s Industry Trade Certificate Program. He also earned his company 200 educational credits, which qualifies CN Aquatics for coverage under the DAS program.
PHTCC members can earn 25 credits (the equivalent of one elective course) towards supplementary legal insurance coverage/advice for qualified companies by correctly answering the skill testing questions that accompany four of the Continuing Education articles that appear in Pool & Spa Marketing (one article per issue). Companies earning 200 educational credits in a given year qualify to receive free legal advice and legal insurance (certain conditional apply) from DAS Canada through the PHTCC.
This year’s continuing education articles include, “Hot Water Chemistry 101” (February), “On the Safe Side” (March Reference & Directory), and “See Pools in a New Light” (in the soon to be released April issue). Answers should be submitted to the PHTCC office for consideration and can be e-mailed to office@poolcouncil.ca. As part of the submission, participants must include their PHTCC member number along with their name, address and contact information. Each submission must clearly indicate the issue volume (found on the cover or table of contents page), date, and title of the article. Submissions that do not include this information will not be eligible.