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Aquatics industry opens arms to e-learning

By Alex Antoniou, Ph.D.

Pool and spa/hot tub professionals now have options, and self-paced online learning has become an attractive proposition.

The pool and spa industry has been slow to embrace online learning. However, an increasing number of professionals are recognizing the value it brings to the table, or in this case, to the computer. In an increasingly busy world, time is of the essence. Many industry professionals know they need the training and will benefit from it; however, finding the time to complete the programs is another thing. Other issues may also come into play, such as the cost of the training and where the classes are taking place, but the most valuable commodity is time—especially in a time-sensitive seasonal business such as the pool and spa/hot tub industry. This is perhaps, the single most important determining factor that influences whether someone will or will not enroll in an educational program.

There is an option

The good news is, in 2016, pool and spa/hot tub professionals now have options, and self-paced online learning has become an attractive proposition. Online courses allow industry members to further their education whether in the office, at home, or even in the airport.

There are many reasons why industry professionals should consider more training to obtain additional credentials—the most important being that it is good for business. In one consumer survey, the number one quality homeowners said they looked for in a service provider is training and qualifications. Homeowners want and need the assurance their valuable investment (i.e. swimming pool), is being looked after properly. Educational outlets continuously expand as people try to become more professional, employable, and prepare themselves to prosper. Education is the key ingredient to success. Successful public pool operators, residential service companies, retailers, and builders create value for their customers by bringing them a healthier and safer water environment. Further, particular credentials can also be the differentiating factor consumers look for when making hiring decisions.

The expansion of online education has brought convenient training to the masses. As younger professionals enter the field and older professionals adopt computers into their lives, the pool and spa/hot tub industry becomes more computer savvy. Several innovative online delivery methods are beginning to make training more accessible. In the last decade, many courses and curricula have been delivered on the Internet and the beauty of it is the trainee is in control.

Engaging educational offerings

To ensure the efficiency of online learning, attention must be paid towards engaging students. The term ‘efficiency’ is appropriate here because the goal is to learn more in the shortest amount of time. Online learning provides simple structure and enhanced features, which makes this method of education more effective and attractive to the students. The use of various features such as interactive exercises, narration, video demonstrations, quizzes, and images are becoming more common.

Consequently, online students typically learn faster and retain information for a longer period of time than they would in a traditional classroom setting.

In fact, online training may be the answer for business owners, managers, and/or supervisors who are looking for convenient and inexpensive ways to become educated. Substituting instructor-led courses for online training results in a decrease in the amount of time students spend learning, not to mention greater flexibility. Of course, the time to complete an online training program will vary depending on the course and the amount of material included.

Typically, an online course will take 40 to 50 per cent less time than an instructor-led course on the same subject. Thus, five days of classroom training can be reduced to two days online.

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