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Project Spotlight: AquaSpa Pools & Landscape Design (2016)

By Jason Cramp

aquaspa-076-croppedWhile this homeowner in Woodbridge, Ont., certainly loved their pool and backyard, they knew renovation work was needed to rejuvenate their outdoor living space. For instance, the existing fibreglass steps were inappropriately sized and the acrylic was chipping, the pool’s shallow end was too small and did not provide bathers the luxury of just lounging in the water as opposed to swimming in the 2.7-m (9-ft) deep end. Finally, the existing landscape was overgrown and outdated.

AquaSpa Pools & Landscape Design, also of Woodbridge, was tasked with bringing this backyard back to life by addressing each of the homeowner’s concerns. First, the pool’s deep end was partially filled-in and redesigned to create a gradual slope from the shallow end. The wall in the shallow end was also removed to install vinyl-covered stairs, which span the width of the pool. These steps not only made ingress/egress easier, but also increased the pool’s overall length and created ample space for shallow-water bathing at varying depths.

As part of the renovation, the pool was completely re-plumbed, including a new skimmer, wall suctions, and returns. New equipment was also installed along with valve automation controls for the sheer waterfall wall in the pool’s deep end and the step jets.

No foliage was used along the back of the yard to take full advantage of the natural ravine the property backed onto, thus creating an open environment, while the materials used for the interlocking patio, retaining wall, waterfall, and natural gas fireplace gave the space a clean, modern look. The latter is located near the pool’s shallow end and is perfect for late night gatherings. With the use of strategically placed light-emitting diode (LED) lighting inside the pool and throughout the landscape, the backyard is not just a daytime haven, as it can be easily transformed into a nighttime retreat.

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