Less than two weeks after announcing the new variable-speed pump (VSP) rebate program with Toronto Hydro and Oakville Hydro, the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada reports that Burlington Hydro, Milton Hydro, and Halton Hills Hydro have also come on board.
This new program, exclusive to PHTCC class 5 and 12 members (retailers, builders, and service companies) only, can help close the deal when selling energy-efficient pumps, as retailers/builders can offer their customers a $400 rebate for every variable-speed pump sold to replace a constant-speed pump.
“The program will benefit the industry by promoting energy efficiency by showing consumers we are forward thinking in this regard,” said the PHTCC’s national past-president, Dave Warren. “It also helps that these pumps are being endorsed by the utilities. It will specifically help PHTCC member companies by elevating them above others as this program is exclusive to the association.”
Rob Wood, executive director of the PHTCC said this program will generate interest and investment in the pool industry’s energy-efficient technologies.
“It will also demonstrate to consumers that ongoing technological advancements by the industry are making pools and spas less expensive to operate,” added Wood.
PHTCC members interested in participating in the program must download and submit the vendor participation agreement for approval and attend the Poolsaver training through the PHTCC’s Toronto chapter on April 1 or 5 at Humber College. Members can register by contacting Mette Yellowless via e-mail at mette@rogers.com.
Once approved, members will receive all relevant documents, rebate application forms, and customer program brochures.
At the present time, the PoolSaver program is only available to pool owners in the cities of Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton, Oakville, and Toronto; however, the program may continue to expand to other communities in Ontario in the near future.
“Toronto and Oakville Hydro share marketing and are usually the trend setters amongst utilities,” added Warren. “Since the program is already developed, it is easy for other utilities to follow. We have already seen interest from many including Burlington, Halton Hills/Milton, and Ottawa.”
Full program details are available at www.torontohydro.com/poolpump.
When would HAMILTON be onboarding this program ? These pumps seem worth the effort but we need the same opportunity as other communities ?
Kindly advise
Hello Geoff: Behind the scenes, representatives of the PHTCC have been urging other hydro utilities to come on board, including Alectra in Hamilton. We have been successful in expanding the program over the past year, but are looking for greater coverage across the country. Hydro One is presently giving strong consideration toward the establishment of the PoolSaver program within its jurisdictions. If Hydro One joins in, it could well be a tipping point. Stay tuned… Regards, R. Wood, PHTCC
Any news for hydro one????? I am with them and would love to move forward with this.
Has Alectra Utilities come on board yet! would like to buy vs pump but can not afford cost but would like do so if i could apply for rebate.
Do we know if HAMILTON be coming on board with a program ? These VSP pumps seem to work and help save Hamilton residents hydro, but we need the same opportunity as other communities