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Plans are in place to continue PoolSaver rebate program

Bin full of old pool pumps, which have been replaced by a variable-speed pump (VSP) as part of the PoolSaver program.
The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) says the inaugural year for the PoolSaver variable-speed pump (VSP) rebate program, a partnership initiative with multiple utilities, was extremely successful.

One year after the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC), along with Toronto Hydro and Oakville Hydro, launched the PoolSaver variable-speed pump (VSP) rebate program, plans are in place to continue the initiative, with hope to expand it to other parts of the country.

Rob Wood, the PHTCC’s executive director, said the program saw tremendous success in its inaugural year, which expanded to six municipalities in southern Ontario before the end of 2017. The other utilities that got involved included Halton Hills Hydro, Burlington Hydro, Renfrew Hydro, Milton Hydro, and Hydro Ottawa.

According to Wood, not all of the audited figures are available yet; however, Hydro Ottawa supplied the PHTCC with some impressive statistics:

  • 655 qualifying VSPs installed;
  • $262,000 was paid out in rebates to customers; and
  • 1.5 million kWh saved, which is the equivalent of powering 180 households per year or 2140 households monthly.

“The PoolSaver program is beneficial for consumers who save money over the life of the new pump,” said Wood. “The program is not only a boon to the pool and spa industry, but is also fulfiling a fundamental objective of the utilities, that being to conserve energy.”

The program, which is exclusive to PHTCC class 5 and 12 members (retailers, builders, and service companies), provides pool owners a rebate when replacing their old inefficient pool pumps with a new energy-saving VSP.

PHTCC members interested in participating in the program this year must submit a vendor participation agreement for approval and attend the Poolsaver training through the PHTCC’s Toronto chapter on April 7 or 11 at Humber College. Members can register by contacting Mette Yellowless via e-mail at

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