Pool equipment manufacturer Hayward Industries Inc., has acquired ConnectedYard Inc., maker of the pHin™ smart water care system, which combines a Wi-Fi-enabled smart monitor and mobile app to assist pool and hot tub owners in keeping their water balanced.
“The water care system was created to make the management of pool and hot tub water chemistry easier and more accurate using smart technology and design,” said Hayward Industry’s CEO, Clark Hale. “We are thrilled to have the pHin Smart Water Care system and Silicon Valley-based management, engineering, and customer care teams of ConnectedYard join forces with Hayward to accelerate the growth of pHin in North America, as well as our international markets.
“We believe this system will be a key component in our broader Internet of Things (IoT) strategy for total pool/hot tub automation. The technology is highly complementary to our sanitization technologies and automation platforms.”
The pHin Smart Monitor floats in the pool or hot tub monitoring temperature and water chemistry 24-7. The pHin Mobile App notifies owners via smartphone what they should do and indicates the amount of chemicals to add to maintain healthy, balanced water. Simple to use, pre-packaged water soluble chemical pods are available through pHin’s chemical subscription program. Alternatively, owners can use chemicals purchased at their local store and pHin will advise how much needs to be administered.