By John Bokor
All pool professionals are aware balanced pool water is the best way
to ensure chlorine can keep the water sanitized.
Pool construction is experiencing exponential growth, and owners are using their pools more than ever. The demand to purchase chlorine and the need for its affect in pool water are both at an all-time high. Therefore, it is imperative chlorine be used prudently and effectively as a sanitizer. To ensure there is enough chlorine for all, there are several maintenance tips for pool owners that will allow them to extend their swimming season. Pool professionals need to work with their customers to do everything possible to limit the demands on chlorine in pool water and to reduce chlorine consumption.
To prevent the need for excessive quantities of chlorine, there are a few steps that can be taken to quickly reduce chlorine demand. Some basic maintenance tips will ensure chlorine consumption remains under control and the amount being used keeps the water sanitized.
Brush regularly
What one’s dentist says about their teeth also applies to the pool. Although it can be time consuming, regular brushing and cleaning of the pool is the easiest way to control chlorine consumption. By brushing pool surfaces, contaminants clinging to the surfaces can be removed by the pool’s filter, so chlorine can do the job of sanitizing rather than having to work to combat algae, mould, or other bacteria.
Regular brushing, skimming, and vacuuming will keep the pool water clear and make it easier to keep it balanced.
There are many large, commercial brushes available that make the job easier as well as automatic pool cleaners and even battery-powered, hand-held vacuums for use by both service professionals and consumers. Automatic pool cleaners even have the added benefit of helping circulate and filter the water—which also contributes to make it cleaner and clearer. These brushes and cleaning tools will make the job of keeping surfaces clean faster and easier, so pool water needs less chlorine to maintain the proper residual sanitizer.
Clean the filter
Keeping filters clean allows the filter to operate properly and remove contaminants from the water so chlorine is not tied up with floating debris.
Water clarity is only as good as the filter will allow it to be. Chemicals can resolve many different water quality problems, but if the filter is not working properly, neither will the water treatment program.

Many service technicians respond to cloudy water by adding a clarifier; however, it will not clear up the pool if the filter is gummed up and not able to perform properly. The COVID-19 pandemic has kept people at home and those who own pools were using them quite often. As a result, filters have been working overtime, so they need even more frequent cleaning.
As some children remained home this past fall rather than return to school, many customers kept their pools open and extended their swimming season much longer than usual—so techs must be sure their customer’s filters are clean before adding more chlorine.
Balance the water
All pool professionals are aware balanced pool water is the best way to ensure chlorine can keep the water sanitized. To avoid customers from having to continuously add chlorine to their pools, retailers and service techs should suggest they invest in test strips to monitor the sanitizer levels in their pools.
When it comes to service professionals, many techs find they can use less chlorine and keep water balanced by adding borates to the water. Borates have a buffering ability that allows pool water to remain at a more stable pH level for a longer period. In turn, borates allow chlorine to be more efficient and effective at sanitizing the water.