Graduates of Royal Roads University in Victoria, B.C. will soon receive their degrees in a space where cadets used to get their laps in.
As reported by the Times Colonist newspaper, the university has transformed an old swimming pool building into the new 500-seat Dogwood Auditorium.
The article states the building was built in 1959 and was home to a swimming pool used by cadets at the Royal Roads Military College. The pool shut down in the early 2000s.
The auditorium was made possible through a $15.2 million renovation, the majority paid by the British Columbia government. The work took roughly two-and-a-half years.
The building’s façade, which is considered a heritage piece, was preserved where possible.
The Times Colonist reports the auditorium also includes a smaller multi-purpose room, media services room, and a meeting room.
With the new facility now open, the university’s graduation will now be held on campus after being hosted at the Royal Theatre in downtown Victoria for the past decade.