Fluidra is helping children learn to swim by committing $100,000 to the Pool & Hot Tub Foundation (PHTF) Step Into Swim initiative.
Through the Step Into Swim initiative, a national program dedicated to providing safe swim education, Fluidra is able to make swimming lessons accessible to all children, so they can participate in a pool and wellness experience.
“The ability to swim is essential to improving the health and safety of this and future generations, and we are fully invested in the effort to teach people how to swim and be safe around water, regardless of their socioeconomic situation,” said Troy Franzen, president of Fluidra North America.
In 2021, Step Into Swim raised over $500,000 dollars from the pool and hot tub industry, which provided grants to 22 facilities in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas; funding 6297 swimming lessons for children.
Donors can support Step Into Swim through tiered funding levels, including the Build A Pool, Save A Life Sponsorship where companies can pledge funds based on the number of pools built or maintenance contracts signed each year.