By Rachael Pritz

As the number of customers coming through the door starts to slowdown and the phones are no longer ringing-off-the-hook, it is time for pool and spa businesses to regroup and make the most of the slower winter months. Now is the time for industry professionals to figure out ways to boost pool product sales or consider adding new product lines to promote sales during the winter months. By using strategic marketing, performing a detailed inventory analysis, and by maximizing the potential of e-commerce, business owners will be able to increase their pool and spa product sales, and select new product lines to feature at their locations.
Winter marketing
To help direct prospects and sales to the business’s online stores, pool and spa professionals need to plan and execute proactive marketing campaigns, through both direct email marketing and old-fashioned direct mail. The winter months are a great time to test email marketing and start planning a calendar of “cyber-sales” for products previously sold only on the showroom floor. In fact, the winter is also an ideal time for a business to consider promoting merchandise or a product line it has not offered in the past.