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Another vandalism incident in B.C. aquatic centre causes $500K in damages

Pictured is an image of Vanderhoof Aquatic Centre's swimming pool. Vandals have caused an aquatic facility in Vanderhoof, B.C., to be shut down temporarily, and incurred $500,000 in damages from flooding the centre with almost 600,000 L (1,585 gal) of water.
Pictured is an image of Vanderhoof Aquatic Centre’s swimming pool. Vandals have caused an aquatic facility in Vanderhoof, B.C., to be shut down temporarily, and incurred $500,000 in damages from flooding the centre with almost 600,000 L (1,585 gal) of water.

Vandals have caused an aquatic facility in Vanderhoof, B.C. to shut down temporarily, and incurred $500,000 in damages from flooding the centre with almost 600,000 L (1,585 gal) of water.

This is the third reported incident in a row in the province. In November 2022, Pool & Spa Marketing’s news item, available here, reported an incident in Fernie aquatic centre, where vandals broke in through the roof, causing broken glass to scatter across the pool deck and into the main swimming pool. Other incidents of vandalism have also been reported at aquatic facilities in interior communities in B.C.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP’s) investigations are ongoing on the case.

“This caused extensive damage to the pool’s mechanical heating and filtration systems,” says Cpl. Madonna Saunderson, media relations officer in B.C. RCMP’s North District in Prince George.

The Vanderhoof Aquatic Centre is four years old and is under the ownership of the Vanderhoof District, with a population of less than 4,500 people about a 100 km (62 mil) west of Prince George. The centre is run by the YMCA of Northern B.C.

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