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Pool maker embraces metaverse to boost customer engagement, sales

Image courtesy Thursday Pools.
A U.S. manufacturer of fibreglass pools has launched a unique new marketing tool for its dealers—the Metaverse Aspen Pool—which focuses on increasing customer engagement and generating sales through immersion in a digital world. Image courtesy Thursday Pools.

A U.S. manufacturer of fibreglass pools has launched a unique new marketing tool for its dealers—the Metaverse Aspen Pool—which focuses on increasing customer engagement and generating sales through immersion in a digital world.

To help pool dealers stand out from their competitors, the creative team at Thursday Pools has created a metaverse world in which potential pool owners can experience how the company’s Aspen design will feel in their backyard. For this experience, customers will need a commonplace ocular device. Dealers and their clients will use these devices to “meet up” in the metaverse and spend time in a virtual backyard, in which the Aspen pool has been installed.

Users can sit in an adjacent spill-over spa, experience the pool’s sundeck and water depth, and see how it will “look and feel” in their own backyards. The virtual backyard also has seating areas, a pool house, and games, allowing users to toss darts, play pong, or enjoy a drink on a comfortable couch.

Metaverse sales, or “MetaSales,” is an emerging sales channel that is becoming much more commonplace, as companies look to give consumers the ability to test and try out products, to be sure they meet their requirements.

“Being able to experience the Aspen pool in the metaverse is a really fun way to show a prospective customer how the pool will feel in their backyard,” says Jeff Kivett, founder of Media Fuel, the company’s creative team in Indiana. “Dealers can have ocular virtual reality (VR) headset devices in their showroom for clients to use, or prospective clients can meet dealers in the metaverse from the comfort of their home.”

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