To increase water safety awareness during Water Safety Month, Thursday Pools has put together a series of promotions, events, and products for the month of May.
The fibreglass pool manufacturer is running events, doing promotions with the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA) on social media, working with a local TV news station, as well as providing educational colouring books for children that detail safety steps to be taken around summer water activities.
For pool professionals, Thursday Pools has collaborated with the NDPA to create social posts, which are available directly for use in their own social media platforms. Additionally, water safety colouring books are being provided to dealers, allowing builders and retailers to distribute them to children and their parents. The books come with a kid-friendly video about water safety that can be looped on an iPad or similar in pool stores.
The goal of these promotions is to heighten awareness before the summer months. The events are being promoted by the Thursday Pools and the River Pools brands.