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Discharging the facts

Erwin Just, president of CanNova Industries (left), shakes hands with Bill Crawford of Northeastern Swimming Pool Distributors following his seminar on changes to pool water discharge bylaws.

Erwin Just of CanNova Industries, a Toronto manufacturer of specialty dechlorination products for swimming pool water, is a man on a mission.

He wants pool professionals to know that changes in municipal legislation relative to pool water discharge are in full force—and failure to comply could cost the owner, operator or service contractor a whopping $5,000 per day in fines.

“Most people do not realize the storm sewer flows into the nearest stream or creek,” explains Just, whose dechlorination training seminar has already taken him to Pioneer Family Pools and Northeastern Swimming Pool Distributors’ and SCP Distributors’ dealer days. “Minute concentrations of chlorine/bromine are toxic to aquatic life. The bylaws have been put in place to protect the aquatic environment. The trend to dechlorinate pool waste water is growing as many municipalities follow Toronto’s lead.”

For more information on Toronto’s sewer bylaw for swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, visit:

Pool professionals in other jurisdictions should visit their local municipality’s website for information on their own discharge laws.

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