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Earn PHTCC educational credits via Pool & Spa Marketing

Learn From Articles 2
Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members can earn educational credits by reading articles in Pool & Spa Marketing.

The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) recently reminded its members how they can easily earn 25 educational credits by reading articles in Pool & Spa Marketing.Under the PHTCC’s new educational program, readers can earn a maximum of 25 credits by completing a series of test questions related to a specific article in each issue of the magazine. Those companies that have earned a total of 200 educational credits qualify for free legal insurance and advice through DAS Canada and the PHTCC.

The process is as follows:

1.      Read the “Go With The Flow” article in the February 2013 issue of Pool & Spa Marketing (

2.      Answer the four questions that accompany the article. (The questions for this particular article are contained in the ‘Continuing Education’ sidebar on page 20.)

3.      Submit answers via e-mail to the PHTCC office ( for consideration. (Participants must include their PHTCC member number along with their name, address, and contact information with each submission. In order to be eligible, each submission must also clearly indicate the issue volume [found on the cover or table of contents page], date, and title of the article.

4.      By answering correctly, the company will earn 25 educational credits.

The next ‘Continuing Education’ article, “The Dirt On Expansive Soils,” will appear in the April issue. It discusses swimming pool installation procedures in different ground conditions.

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