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Wristband policy in effect at all public pools in London, Ont.

happy lessons of swimming
All public pools in London, Ont., now require swimmers 12 and younger to wear orange wristbands to help determine those who may need extra attention from lifeguards, while those up to 17, who are more experienced swimmers, will wear green wristbands.

To help lifeguards identify weaker swimmers, those younger than 17 must now wear colour-coded wristbands at all public swimming pools in London, Ont.

According to a report by the London Free Press, swimmers 12 and younger will wear orange bands to help determine those who may need extra attention, while those up to 17 will wear green bands, indicating they are more experienced in the water.

“Wearing the wristbands helps our lifeguards. It’s a big safety enhancement tool,” said the supervisor of aquatic services at the city’s Canada Games Aquatic Centre, Mike Szarka, in the report. “The premise is the colour-coded system will help quickly identify swimmers who are paddling towards trouble.”

Barbara Byers, education director of the Lifesaving Society, and Pools, Spas & Patios author on water safety, added: “There are varying skill levels of kids—it’s important for the lifeguards to know what the skill level is. Time is always very, very important.”

These safety guidelines also stipulate that any swimmers wearing orange wristbands must always be within arm’s reach of a guardian.

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