The cost to control weeds for Manitoba homeowners is likely to increase this spring/summer after the province’s cosmetic pesticide ban went into effect on Jan. 1.
The ban, originally announced last April, was said to be in line with Ontario’s pesticide ban, which was put in place in 2008 and includes more than 250 pesticides and more than 80 pesticide ingredients, including 2,4-D, Diazinon and glyphosate. Other provinces that have also banned cosmetic pesticides include: Quebec (2003); Alberta (2008); Prince Edward Island (2009); Newfoundland and Labrador (2012); New Brunswick (2009); and Nova Scotia (2010).
According to a CBC News report, the ban prohibits certain commonly used pesticides and as a result the province will hold workshops to help explain all of the implications to residents.
In terms of the impact this will have on the lawn care and landscaping industries, one company expects its prices to increase by 34 per cent. Despite the increased prices, Dana Kapusta of Nutrilawn told CBC News they have pre-booked a number of clients, but not all of their customers are signing up after they realize they have to pay more for the same services.
“Of course we’re getting pushback,” Kapusta told CBC News. “I can’t say we’re not getting any. We have customers who say ‘we have to think about this,’ but the vast majority are saying ‘it is what it is.’ You have a conversation and tell them why and they totally understand.”