Preventive maintenance refers to routine upkeep to ensure pool equipment continues to operate efficiently, whereby preventing any unanticipated downtime and the associated costs from equipment failure.
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Headlines from various news outlets across Canada and the U.S. this year have summed up what this author heard from aquatic facility operators on a weekly basis—a shortage of lifeguards exists within the aquatics industry. However, is this really the case?
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To ensure parks are hitting the mark when it comes to inclusion (i.e. maximum participation), one must examine the motivating impulse driving people to participate. This article takes a closer look at how to unleash the fun factor in a community splash pad when choosing products, organizing space, and...
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As the director of operations for Twilight Hot Tubs and Home Leisure Centre in British Columbia’s capital city of Victoria, Darrell Gazloff has heard a plethora of customer complaints regarding hot tub water care.
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Accessible pool and spa design once had a sterile, institutionalized appearance. Today, however, this is all changing, as pools and spas at resorts, hotels, city-run facilities, and universities are being designed and built with inclusivity and beauty in mind.
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In recent years, video has seen rapid growth and development with sites like YouTube recording 1.5 billion monthly users. With this type of reach, it is important for businesses to explore why they should consider using video in their marketing efforts, as well understand how they can implement it.
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After many years working in the water chemistry field, this author still gets the same question: What is the most important aspect of hot tub water care? In speaking to hot tub customers, service technicians, water care sales teams, retailers, and store owners from all over the world, the...
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In today’s busy world, more and more homeowners are looking to get additional value out of their properties and there is no larger investment you can make than in your home.
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Heading to the gym on a beautiful sunny day can feel more like a chore than a fun, healthy activity. So why not stay home and get fit right in your own backyard?
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Colour is an individual taste. The landscape, from colourful foliage and flowers to pool interiors, can be homogenous or high-contrast, bold or subdued, soothing or exciting.
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