So you are thinking about buying a hot tub. Great idea! There are many excellent benefits to owning one, including therapy, relaxation, and a place to reconnect with friends and family. Buying a hot tub is a big decision and it can be overwhelming to think about everything that...
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In most cases, a child inadvertently gets out of the house after a door or entry has been left open or unlocked, usually due to human error. The child is thought to be safe inside, but someone else has left a door opened or unlocked. Although precautions were taken,...
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Proper maintenance of your pool and/or hot tub will ensure its long-term enjoyment, and chemicals play an important role in this regime. This article will detail the chemical products available for pools and hot tubs, as well as discuss when and why they are used.
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Properly maintaining your pool or hot tub is one of the best ways to avoid costly repairs down the road. But what equipment do you need to keep your pool or hot tub in proper condition? Use this checklist to stay on track.
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Increasingly, pool and spa owners are discovering just how relaxing regular maintenance can be. Spending a quiet Saturday afternoon skimming leaves and twigs from the surface of the water while you work on your tan and enjoy the fresh air is a perfect way to unwind after a hectic...
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Today’s backyards are a far cry from the kidney-shaped pools and concrete patios of our parents’ era. Advances in technology are bringing amazing new changes to swimming pool products and design, opening up a whole new spectrum of possibilities for backyard fun.
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Buying a home with a swimming pool can be a very gratifying—and nerve-wracking—experience. Instantly you are part of a growing segment of homeowners who are transforming their ordinary backyards into extraordinary living spaces.
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Heading to the cottage after a long work week may seem like an escape until you realize everyone else had the same idea and you’re stuck for hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
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Pool ownership can be a lot of fun—but that fun doesn’t come without a little hard work. Whether you’re opening your pool in the spring, maintaining it through a busy summer or shutting it down in the fall, paying attention to detail will save you valuable time and money.
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Why settle for a run-of-the mill pool experience? There are so many options out there that can help set your backyard apart from the rest. If your budget allows, then consider adding a bit more flair to create the oasis of your dreams. (Note that not all of these...
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