How to tackle common pool stains

When dealing with pool stains, it is important for service professionals to keep in mind they are not always cut from the same cloth. Therefore, it is critical to diagnose the problem first before providing a broad-spectrum treatment. Take the time to review the origins of common pool stains...
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Automatic covers for swim spas

Over the past decade, the popularity of swim spas has increased immensely. Once seen as a novelty item reserved for the wealthy, this product has become a legitimate option for homeowners who are contemplating a pool and/or hot tub for their home. For those who desire a pool for...
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Country living by design

A family in Caledon, Ont., recently built its dream home. There were many reasons why everyone loved this location, such as the daily sightings of deer in the adjacent farmers fields that terminated in the local foothills. However, as the dust from construction settled, they realized despite their view,...
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Creating an ownership culture

Before employees bought Counsilman-Hunsaker (this author’s former business) in 2012, the firm was in the same difficult place many long-time pool and hot tub business owners find themselves today. Like Counsilman-Hunsaker, a large number of companies in this industry were founded in the ’60s and ’70s by individuals with...
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Renovating three high-school pools in one summer

Renovating commercial aquatic facilities on a tight schedule is not uncommon for most construction crews in the pool industry; however, renovating three high school pools (managed by the same school district) over the course of one summer is a challenging feat. Adding to the difficulty of the project was...
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