Project Spotlight: Aloha Pools Ltd. (2013)

This Vancouver homeowner called upon Aloha Pools Ltd., of Surrey, B.C., to help them fulfil their wish of converting their existing 7.6- x 13.7-m (25- x 45-ft) kidney-shaped swimming pool into a perimeter overflow design, while at the same time completely updating the current pool surround.
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New building options for above-ground pools

When it comes to selling and installing above-ground swimming pools, today’s builders are no longer limited by the traditional installation methods concerning these pools, which are typically built ‘above’ or ‘on’ the ground. Thanks to product development by various manufacturers, new options are available to homeowners that allow these...
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Designing and building safe pools

Safety and security are prime topics when first meeting a prospective client who is often surrounded by their young children. In fact, most mothers initially want Fort Knox built in their backyards—essentially a water feature without water.
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Balancing between esthetics and efficiency

A project’s design is influenced by a number of factors. Designers and builders are constantly performing a balancing act with respect to budget, client interests, site conditions, and building codes. The addition of energy efficiency and esthetics only serves to complicate the project. Typically, the client’s budget and expectations...
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