Understanding algae

By Karen Rigsby and Zach Hansen

Algae are microscopic aquatic plant-like organisms. They do not have the same structure as higher plants such as roots, stems and leaves. However, they are like any other plant in that they require the same type of nutrients to grow and utilize sunlight...

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Elevating pool design

All swimming pool, spa and water feature designers/builders have had the experience of walking into an empty backyard and trying to visualize the end result. The yard may be as flat as a pancake, on the edge of a cliff, bottom of a hill, have a great view or...
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Reducing operating expenses with energy-smart equipment

Facility managers have learned over the past few years that going ‘green’ can significantly lower an aquatic facility’s operating costs. Pumps and filters are among the items most scrutinized due to the vast amount of energy they consume. To reduce costs associated with water circulation and filtration it is...
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Battling Biofilm

Improving water quality demands a true understanding of what is hidden in the pool and spa environment, of what is lurking beneath the surface—in piping, filters and...
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