Using rebar in aquatic design

By Barry Justus

Builders of swimming pools, spas and water features are required to work under a variety of conditions and in diverse locations. Earthquake zones, expansive clays, hillsides, ascending slopes, rooftops, freeze/thaw, solar cycles and a wide array of increasingly sophisticated and complex aquatic designs can challenge one’s...

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Fitness spas

Fitness spas, also known as swim spas, are quickly gaining momentum in the marketplace, as they offer a range of health and lifestyle benefits and their affordability often makes them a good fit for homeowners who want...
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Slip-resistant surfaces

By Rob Amelung

In aquatic facilities, it is well understood that safety always comes first. Since wet, slippery areas can be a liability, it is even more important for aquatic facility managers to consider preventive measures. With the recent economic climate, and many facilities facing budget cuts, providing a...

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Tree care and maintenance

By Jeff McMann

Trees play an important part in a landscape environment, often providing the backbone around which backyards are built. They improve the quality of the air we breathe, absorbing, trapping and filtering harmful pollutants. They provide shade around the pool in the summer and shelter in winter....

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Integrating for success

As a specialty retailer, you have an immediate advantage over big box retailers simply by being specialized. You may not have as many product lines available and your prices may be slightly higher, but you have a few advantages that big box retailers simply can’t...
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Investing time in social media

At a recent home improvement economic summit, a home improvement dealer asked me an interesting question: “When should I hire a full-time person to handle my social media?” A year ago, no one would have even thought of social media as needing a dedicated worker, but...
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