Designing spray parks

Spray parks exude fun—spray cannons, slides, sneaky soakers and sounds—uniting these elements creates a magical water world, which can bring endless joy to visitors for years to come. These facilities are quickly becoming the desired solution for...
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UV technology and ozone

By Zach Hansen and Karen Rigsby

Supplemental systems can go a long way towards improving the water quality of a given pool or spa. Understanding how these systems work and how to use them effectively are vital to any diligent pool or spa operator. While these systems...

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Creating comfortable environments in natatoriums

Thanks to recent technological advancements, indoor waterparks can now have perfect indoor air quality (IAQ) and green environments. However, anyone who is involved in the commercial aquatics industry knows these facilities are capable of the exact opposite—uncomfortable indoor air environments that are...
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Project Spotlight: Bonavista Pools Ltd. (2010)

The presence of water can create many different emotional responses in people- bringing water inside the home only accentuates and heightens those feelings. This pool, installed by BonaVista Pools Ltd., in Markham, Ont., evokes serenity, reflection and relaxation, while simultaneously representing...
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Pool and spa hydraulics

The pool and spa industry has been mired in entrapment codes, misinformation, media hype and politics for years. Everyone understands suction entrapments can be lethal, even horrific, but the industry needs to...
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Swimming pool maintenance

The past several years of weak pool construction activity, especially in the U.S., has highlighted the value of identifying alternative revenue sources for pool industry professionals. Finding and fixing leaks in existing swimming pools has become...
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