When the Irish painter Robert Barker first exhibited his enormous 137-m2 (1479-sf) panoramic painting of London in the late 18th century, he took Londoners entirely by surprise. His painting, which required a custom-built multi-level rotunda to be exhibited, showed viewers a completely new, stunningly immersive way to see and...
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Concrete pools are often referred to as the ‘Cadillac of pools,’ as their hardscaped natural look and feel is tough to duplicate and their cost is reflective of this. In fact, the price point to the consumer for a concrete pool is usually the highest in comparison to other...
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Savvy pool maintenance companies can increase their revenue streams by having their technicians take some time to look around the client’s backyard for additional sales opportunities. Rather than waiting for something to break, maintenance professionals should look for ways to enhance their client’s pool experience and, as a result,...
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As the weather warms up and the swim season starts, pool water quality begins to suffer and algae often start to grow. Some algae are easy to treat and remove; however, other types can be quite challenging to deal with. The three main types are: green, black, and yellow/mustard...
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When designing and building natural ponds, contractors often hear their clients say, “I want it to be spectacular.” That said, while every contractor prides themselves in his/her ability to create something unique on every job that will exceed their client’s expectations, sometimes the scope of the project does not...
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Creating an all-season indoor aquatic attraction, whether it is a pool or waterpark, is a major commitment that requires a great deal of consideration. With this in mind, venue owners can reduce the stress caused by taking on such a venture by carefully choosing the appropriate design and materials...
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The buzz words today are all about saving costs and being ‘green’ or energy-efficient. With pool heaters, it is easy to go green. Older heaters, between seven and 10 years old, may have initially been approximately 78 per cent efficient, but over time, they are now probably only 60...
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In some areas, commercial pools can become stale as patrons lose interest in the entertainment value the facility offers. As a result, these aquatic facilities struggle to remain attractive for all target groups. One safe and budget-friendly way attendance figures can be revitalized is with the installation of an...
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This report marks the seventh year we’ve asked readers of Pool & Spa Marketing to participate in our annual salary survey to provide input on the state of the country’s pool, spa/hot tub, and landscaping design/build and retail industry, as well as offer foresight into the coming season and...
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The heart of this fully landscaped backyard in Waterloo, Ont., is a 6- x 12-m (20- x 40-ft) rectangular vinyl-lined pool, which was designed and installed by Precision Pools to correlate with the home’s architecture.
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