Building a tranquil pond

When designing and building natural ponds, contractors often hear their clients say, “I want it to be spectacular.” That said, while every contractor prides themselves in his/her ability to create something unique on every job that will exceed their client’s expectations, sometimes the scope of the project does not...
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Industry salary survey reveals latest trends

This report marks the seventh year we’ve asked readers of Pool & Spa Marketing to participate in our annual salary survey to provide input on the state of the country’s pool, spa/hot tub, and landscaping design/build and retail industry, as well as offer foresight into the coming season and...
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Precision Pools (2017)

The heart of this fully landscaped backyard in Waterloo, Ont., is a 6- x 12-m (20- x 40-ft) rectangular vinyl-lined pool, which was designed and installed by Precision Pools to correlate with the home’s architecture.
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