Aquatics industry opens arms to e-learning

The pool and spa industry has been slow to embrace online learning. However, an increasing number of professionals are recognizing the value it brings to the table, or in this case, to the computer. In an increasingly busy world, time is of the essence. Many industry professionals know they...
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Managing online lead generation

Pool and spa/hot tub businesses need leads—lots of them. It is no secret leads are the source of new customers. And with the explosion of the Internet over the past decade, online sources have become a primary starting point for finding new leads. However, it is not easy. In...
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Managing service truck stock

Inventory tracking is one of the most complex and vexing issues for pool and spa/hot tub retailers and service companies. Virtually everything that happens in a business conspires to degrade inventory accuracy. Service employees forget to write things down, sales staff give items away, operations people are bogged down...
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Today’s high-tech controls now go beyond the pool

The aquatics industry is entering an era of unprecedented innovation and evolution. With the advancement in micro-processors, data memory, touch screens, and other electronic components, automation is not only becoming more mainstream and more affordable, but equipment manufacturers are also starting to keep up with the innovation curve. That...
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A one-of-a-kind water feature is a collaborative success

Acapulco Pools, a commercial pool builder and service provider based in Kitchener, Ont., has worked with Dan Euser Waterarchitecture (DEW) several times over the years and have come to know his water feature designs, which are typically well-suited to the location, reflect functional expectations, and by no means ‘run...
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