One of the benefits of interlocking concrete pavers (ICPs) is the relative ease and speed of routine maintenance and minor repairs. For example, in cases where paving units may have settled as a result of rainfall, severe weather, or repeated loads from heavy vehicles, it is a relatively simple...
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Providing homeowners with a beautiful outdoor space is the ultimate goal of pool and spa professionals. Many design elements come together to create a backyard utopia and one often overlooked component is lighting. Without a doubt, when it comes to backyard entertaining, outdoor lighting is...
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When a bather slips into the relaxing waters of their pool or spa, they are probably not thinking: “Are the products used to keep my pool clean safe for my health and the environment?” No, instead pool and spa owners are unwinding, exercising, and having fun when they slide,...
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As most in the industry know, the buildup of scale in a hot tub/spa can be a pain. Literally. Once the scale has formed, the only thing left to do is grab a mild scale remover and start scrubbing. After draining and several hours of elbow grease, some progress...
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Fibreglass inground pools are becoming a popular choice for homeowners and pool builders in Canada. One particular advantage is their one-piece construction eliminates a lot of the time-consuming labour that is required to install other types of inground pools.
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Small projects can be accomplished with a small team; large sophisticated projects need the work of a small army. Designers, builders, and contractors rely on a diverse group of individuals that are highly trained, and often very specialized, to facilitate the end product.
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When deciding on an aquatic vessel, potential customers are at times unaware of the vast potential a hot tub can present when it comes to enhancing a leisure space. Most clients have an appetite for a unique design—whether integrating a hot tub into a newly constructed home or an...
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Consumers are exposed to imaginative ideas and concepts from a variety of sources such as reality television, exotic travel, and niche magazines. However, the Internet, by far, is the most common source of inspiration.
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Pool & Spa Marketing recently conducted its sixth annual salary survey of the Canadian aquatics industry and according to your input, provided anonymously, the majority of respondents are working between 35 and 50 hours per week, which is 10 per cent lower than in 2013 and may be attributed...
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An indoor pool environment has greater requirements than a commercial building because of the higher humidity. If not controlled, the corrosive condensate that forms will destroy structural components, sometimes with...
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