Making water maintenance easy

Would it be possible for a seasoned pool operator to accurately monitor chlorine (Cl) and pH (potential hydrogen) readings every minute of every day, precisely dispense the proper amount of balancing chemicals, and maintain perfectly balanced water chemistry at all times? The answer is no. However, if the facility...
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The importance of water testing

A green pool, a runny nose, and a car that will not start would generally not be mentioned in the same sentence let alone the same paragraph; however, each event indicates the presence of a problem. For instance, with the car, the battery may be dead or the starter...
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Water features inspired by natural environments

When people think of ponds, some may think ‘green’ is just for algae. Today, however, ponds can be crystal clear and environmentally ‘green.’ In fact, ponds are esthetically beautiful, incredibly relaxing, and offer a variety of ecological benefits. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for instance, gasoline-powered landscape...
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