The question whether a sauna is a necessity or a luxury product is one that perhaps has never been fully explained. For many years people have had the misconception that private saunas were strictly for the rich and famous. In fact, for some, the idea of owning one seemed...
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Concrete is one of the world’s most durable products; it has been used to create various structures for hundreds of years. From engineers to bricklayers, a variety of concrete compounds have been used for various purposes and applications over time. In fact, concrete is used more often than any...
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Would it be possible for a seasoned pool operator to accurately monitor chlorine (Cl) and pH (potential hydrogen) readings every minute of every day, precisely dispense the proper amount of balancing chemicals, and maintain perfectly balanced water chemistry at all times? The answer is no. However, if the facility...
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A green pool, a runny nose, and a car that will not start would generally not be mentioned in the same sentence let alone the same paragraph; however, each event indicates the presence of a problem. For instance, with the car, the battery may be dead or the starter...
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Over the past 20 years, composite and plastic composite decking products have increased their share of the Canadian decking market versus traditional building materials (i.e. wood), and for good reason. With warranties against colour fade, and manufacturer defects often exceeding 20 years, claims of extreme durability, splinter-free finishes, hidden...
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To be a competent builder, one must have the ability to adapt quickly to manage unusual known or unknown circumstances as they arise throughout the design-build process. This reality is particularly palpable in the business of aquatic construction. Pool and spa builders face many of the same challenges as...
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When people think of ponds, some may think ‘green’ is just for algae. Today, however, ponds can be crystal clear and environmentally ‘green.’ In fact, ponds are esthetically beautiful, incredibly relaxing, and offer a variety of ecological benefits. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for instance, gasoline-powered landscape...
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It is no secret, both potential and current clients are increasingly using the Internet to assist them in making both large and small purchasing decisions every year. According to a comScore report, in March 2011, the average Canadian topped the global charts for the most time spent online, averaging...
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By Ted Lawrence As the pool and spa/hot tub industry goes through what everyone hopes will be a short winter, it is important for business owners—especially those operating pool/spa retail stores—to start the New Year off right by putting together a marketing and advertising plan for the coming year....
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Providing a healthy and safe swimming environment should be the primary goal for professionals working in the public and residential swimming pool markets. Having thorough understanding and training in proper disinfection is critical to protecting swimmers. The following is an overview on the most current methods of primary and...
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