By Roy D. Vore, PhD When it comes to water maintenance, a pool is just a pool, right? But how about treating and managing a 50-m (164-ft) Olympic pool with 1,135,624 L (300,000 gal) of water, which must be sparkling clear every day? Regardless of a pool’s water volume,...
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It goes without saying salt is a critical component of saltwater pools. Without it, electrolysis within the electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG) could not take place, and chlorine could not be produced to sanitize the water. Yet, ironically, poor quality salt can produce several problems in a saltwater pool, including...
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The design is complete; all that remains is for the pool builder to simply follow the plan and everything will be perfect. Most builders will attest, however, that this is far from reality. In fact, once a design is complete, it is often the next day when things start...
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People have enjoyed warm-water immersion long before written history. In fact, many of the earliest habitation areas were established around natural hot springs, which allowed residents to take advantage of the benefits they had to offer. However, despite these facts, it is surprising that still today many people make...
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By Vic Walker With the economy still on the rebound, many consumers are looking for smaller hot tubs for a variety of reasons. For instance, these models are perfect for those who have moved from larger homes into smaller ones but would still like the luxury of a hot...
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Throughout history, water has been considered an everlasting commodity. However, much is changing and worldwide water supplies are dwindling due to pollution from overuse and industrialization. Water is a necessity for drinking, cleansing, hydrating, agriculture, food processing, power generation and sewage transport; therefore, the further its replenishment becomes unsustainable,...
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By Jason Cramp A hot tub installation by Hydropool Retail in Mississauga, Ont., serves to complete this homeowner’s entertainment and fitness room by integrating it perfectly into the indoor space, creating a place for them to reflect and relax. To meet the Mississauga, Ont., homeowner’s request for...
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There is nothing more refreshing than going for a swim on a hot summer day. Whether at an aquatic centre, marina or water/theme park, aquatic amenities are always popular. As numerous people partake in many water-related activities at these various facilities, not only is there a need to ensure...
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“These rocks and pools have always been here, haven’t they?” “Surely you didn’t build this.” “This looks like the hand of nature.” These are comments every water shape designer loves to hear, but alas, all too often they do not. Many manmade water features are meant to appear natural;...
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With more than 50 years of hot tub industry experience between them, Ted Williams and Marc Lambert, co-owners of ELM Sales & Equipment Inc., have seen it all. It’s that shared knowledge, along with a love of the business, that has driven them to make their Mississauga, Ont.-based spa...
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