The case for pool pump upgrades

When people talk about home energy efficiency, the conversation seldom leads to pool pumps and that needs to change. One of the most significant energy-consuming devices in homes with swimming pools is the pool pump. Pumps keep pools clean and safe by circulating water through filters. They often also...
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Understanding phosphates

No unwelcome guest can ruin a swimming pool experience like algae. Often stubborn and recurrent, that uninvited guest (algae) needs two things in order to grow and reproduce in a swimming pool—water and nutrients. As this article discusses swimming pools, water is a given. However, one of the key...
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Controlling calcium hardness

Maintaining appropriate levels of calcium hardness is a key balance factor in basic recreational water care. Typically, water in a vinyl-lined or fibreglass swimming pool should contain a calcium hardness level of 175 to 225 parts per million (ppm), while the recommended...
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How to get the appointment

When a homeowner makes their first call to a pool/spa builder or service company, they are looking for the expert help only a trained professional can provide. Unfortunately, many of these potential customers, who are often eager to spend...
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Learning to prevent and respond to crisis situations

For all pool and spa professionals, maintaining a safe workplace for both staff and the general public is the ultimate goal, one that can be best achieved by conducting regular facility audits. Audits can significantly impact how an organization prevents, prepares for and responds to emergencies, and they are...
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Creating Warmth and Privacy

The Landscape Artist Inc., has been providing the Calgary area with residential landscape design and construction services since 1977. When the company was called out to revamp a modest backyard in the city, the result was a...
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Concrete coating systems

Today’s concrete pool decks no longer need to be plain grey. There are many options on the market that allow pool designers/builders to beautify a concrete pool deck. Aside from esthetics, should builders go to the trouble of designing an elaborate concrete deck, they should also understand the advantages...
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