“Can I borrow your hot tub?” is a question most are not accustomed to hearing; it almost sounds out of place. Times have changed, however, and the roto-moulded portable spas available today have not only made it very easy for people to simply ‘borrow’ them, but also for dealers...
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It is no secret the pool industry has been beset by declining sales and profits. The reasons seem obvious: new pool construction is down, consumer spending has slumped, the overall economy is struggling and mass merchants are carrying more and more after-market pool products. Pool owners are also turning...
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The high cost for non-renewable energy sources, such as oil and natural gas, continues to rise each year. As this is top of mind for most consumers, an increasing number are looking for alternative heating systems that maximize energy output while reducing the amount of energy required for operation.
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Renovation projects are becoming a larger segment of every pool business. Profit margins on these projects are often higher than those earned in new pool construction. Not everyone is able to track which part of the renovation project makes the most money, but universally, pool builders say today’s accessories...
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This year marks the centennial of the known invention of the swimming pool cleaner. These devices owe their evolution to imaginative tinkerers, engineers and designers from all over the world. Like swimming pools, there is almost certainly no single inventor or single swimming pool cleaner that has been recorded...
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Builders of aquatic environments are often faced with designing projects and specific elements for small spaces. In these cases, consumer access to the Internet can often be a double-edged sword, as clients often want to include every conceivable option in this limited space. Thus, the job of the designer/builder...
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Many people own cottages and out-of-city properties they escape to on weekends; however, this Toronto-area family can escape any day of the week, thanks to the unique ‘waterfront’ property Gib-San Pool and Landscape Creations designed for them.
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Success was in the cards for the 2011 edition of the Canadian Pool & Spa Conference & Expo, organized by the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) and held Dec. 5-8. For the first time in years, weather was hardly a factor and a new venue, the...
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The benefits of the information age are continuing to grow even today. While the Internet has given us access to vast amounts of information and data, it has also given rise to wonderful new concepts that no one ever could have imagined. Companies like social media giant Facebook and...
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Today there is great acceptance to a wide variety of aquatic play features, including everything from waterslides and lazy rivers to activity pools, mushroom sprays, splash pads and wave pools. The tremendous popularity of waterparks with unique interactive water features has even sparked interest from residential pool owners. When...
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