There are many challenges facing today’s landscape professionals, from keeping up with new design trends and technologies to the tried and true dilemmas of time management and weather-related issues. However, after more than 47 years in the landscape industry, the most common issue I hear about from landscape business...
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In the world of increased health awareness and lifestyle enhancements, fitness spas, also known as swim spas, continue to be a popular choice among consumers seeking a hot tub for hydrotherapy, health, physical therapy and rehabilitation purposes. As their popularity increases, manufacturers remain focused on incorporating features into their...
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Due to their clinically proven health benefits, infrared saunas are now being used in medical practices, wellness clinics and health spas around the world. They are also manufactured in several sizes and sold to individual consumers who want to relax and...
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It is interesting to look at photos of award-winning pools and projects showcased in various trade magazines. Rarely is there any interest or focus placed on what is happening inside the pool. Often, photographers go out of their way to avoid showing the pool interior, especially white-plastic steps that...
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Life is fragile. As designers and builders of pools, spas and water features, it is all too easy to become consumed with the daily rigours of operating the business that the simple pleasures in life, such as...
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Since the beginning of time, Sphagnum moss has been conditioning and clarifying various bodies of water (e.g. lakes, rivers and ponds) around the world where moss bogs exist. However, the idea to harness this natural process and test its capabilities in pool and spa water did not...
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Edmonton’s Borden Park outdoor swimming pool retains the same five-lane rectangular tank and basic character from its original construction 86 years ago. Still in use today, it is...
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Rather than having a blank canvas from which to build the ultimate outdoor escape, Backyard Getaways Inc., a pool, spa and landscape design/build firm in Brampton, Ont., was asked by their client to perform a complete pool and backyard renovation, and they...
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Over the last few decades, several factors have changed the way aquatic facilities condition indoor air. Contributing elements to these changes include the type of chlorine used in the water, the water supply provided by...
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All across the business world, management is facing growing pressure to reduce their respective companies’ environmental footprints. This all starts with the top executives, whose responsibilities and actions necessarily impact and filter down to other levels of management and employees—all of whom are tasked with...
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