Imagine the perfect water feature; now, ask a colleague or customer to do the same and have them describe it. What are the odds the descriptions will...
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Hot tubs with multiple jets, limited access and numerous connections can make plumbing repair a major undertaking. Once the leak has been located, using the following tips will make hot tub (and even swimming pool) polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plumbing repairs much...
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Hot tub and swimming pool electronics are completely different. As such, service technicians should have specific training in troubleshooting and repairing hot tub components, as today these products feature a...
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Most people look forward to a hot, sunny day with eager anticipation. It’s an opportunity to enjoy a drink on the patio, sit on a lounge chair in the warmth of the sun or take a dip in the pool. However, what if there was no need to wait...
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We have all seen it happen; pool water pumped into the sewer under the cover of darkness. The reason? In most municipalities, including the city of Toronto, it is against the law to discharge untreated pool water into...
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Today’s portable spas integrate colour illumination in a multitude of features. In fact, over the last decade, manufacturers have increasingly used functional and decorative lighting to differentiate their portable spas from...
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The residential swim spa category is in the same place hot tubs were 15 years ago. At that time, 95 per cent of all hot tubs were installed indoors, in a deck or in the ground (without a cabinet). These methods limited the number of consumers who could afford...
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New design technologies, processes and materials are contributing to the constant innovation and enhancement of modern hot tubs. Today’s designs not only improve the bather’s overall health and wellness, they serve as...
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A homeowner in Winnipeg, Man., looking to make the most of their existing home by building the ultimate entertainment centre, called upon Aqua-Tech Pools Ltd., to equip their recreation room with a...
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When the owners of a high-end home in Woodbridge, Ont., contacted International Landscaping about creating an outdoor family recreation and entertainment area in their backyard, few knew just how well the end result would...
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