Turning a plain space into a modern oasis

Landscape designer Doug Glancy had a tall order to fill when asked to design a dramatic, modern property in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. His client wanted him to transform a 14 x 18-m (45 x 60-ft) backyard space into a modern oasis with hardy but attractive gardens, multiple sitting areas and...
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Project Spotlight: Bonavista Pools Ltd. (2010)

The presence of water can create many different emotional responses in people- bringing water inside the home only accentuates and heightens those feelings. This pool, installed by BonaVista Pools Ltd., in Markham, Ont., evokes serenity, reflection and relaxation, while simultaneously representing...
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Prefabricated acrylic hot tubs

While portable acrylic hot tubs have dominated the residential market for almost 30 years, pre-manufactured acrylic or other non-concrete commercial hot tub materials have only become popular in the last 10 to 15 years as an increasing number of...
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Selling hot tubs

“We want to go home and think about it.” Does this phrase sound familiar? It probably does, as it is the number one response a salesperson will receive from a prospect when asked if...
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How to overcome price resistance and make a profit

Like any good businesspeople, most pool and spa service providers try to do everything right. They hire service people with a good aptitude and attitude and give them distributor- and manufacturer-sponsored training. They promote their companies to the local community and make considerable investments in various...
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