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The passion for saunas continue to grow in North America

Know the benefits

Woman bathing in an infrared sauna.
An infrared sauna might be the correct product for a client who does not want to endure the extreme temperatures of a traditional sauna.

A customer who puts just a little bit of research into the health benefits of sauna use will likely end up with a comprehensive list of the advantages of sauna bathing, as they have been around—in one form or another—for a long time. Today, modern science is catching up, confirming what many have always held to be true about the benefits of sitting and sweating. The following is a list of some of the health benefits a sauna offers:

Calorie burn and weight loss

Sitting in a hot environment causes an aerobic effect: an increased heart rate, which causes a person’s metabolism to rise, prompting his/her body to burn more calories. Using a sauna regularly can be a satisfying addition to any fitness program, as it can be a way to keep things fresh and fun. Note: it is important to rehydrate after a sauna session, replacing any water weight one may have lost.

Improved blood circulation

Another benefit of sitting in a hot room is it gets the heart working faster, which pumps the blood harder, and to accommodate this increase in blood flow, the blood vessels expand, resulting in a temporary lowering in blood pressure. Essentially, by getting the heart worked up, it creates a calming effect with respect to someone’s blood pressure.


The body has a couple of tricks for removing toxins and impurities, and one of those tricks is sweating. When a person sweats, traces of lead, copper, zinc, nickel, and mercury (stuff one picks up from the surrounding environment) are flushed from the system through the enlarged pores of the skin. A sauna aims to make bathers sweat, assisting the body’s natural process for getting the impurities out of the system.

Enhanced immune system

A sauna does not just help rid the body of impurities; it also helps the body to generate some good stuff, too. As the body’s core temperature increases, it is tricked into thinking the person has a fever. As a result, the body kicks up its production of white blood cells. For people who are on the go all the time, using a sauna is one way to decrease his/her chances of catching a cold or flu.

Pain relief

Immersing the body in a pocket of hot air is good therapy for sore joints and achy muscles, as well. For those who suffer from arthritis or other painful ailments, a sauna can be a good method of relief, while for those who live an active, physically and demanding lifestyle, they are a good way to reward the body for doing everything one requires of it.

Endorphin release and stress relief

Endorphins are responsible for that pleasant sense of well-being and satisfaction one gets at the end of a workout. It may be one reason why spending time in a sauna is a good way to shed the stress and tension that often builds up during the day. Many sauna users claim regular usage helps them overcome the effects of insomnia and allows them to sleep better at night.

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