Tag Archives: Aquatic Engineering Degree Program

Developing a successful business plan

A clear business plan that includes goals and the means to achieve them is the key to running an efficient, profitable company. Business owners who keep their eye on the ball are more likely to complete a profit plan that assures a solid future. The fall and winter, when business starts to slow down, is the right time to…

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Mind the gap when it comes to connecting with customers

Demographics, or the study of human populations, are an important tool that helps businesses understand the impact different generations have on the economy—how sales and spending have been affected in the past and what is in store for the future of retail in this industry. Shifts in demographics and the characteristics of those populations have a profound effect on how a business should market itself to the consumer. That being said, there is a new group in town the pool and hot tub industry must now market its products to as a shift is taking place, moving from the focus on baby boomers to generation Xers and millennials.

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A bacterium harbouring slime found on wet surfaces

The annual World Aquatic Health Conference (WAHC) brings together a variety of new science-based ideas and technologies. Those who attend the symposia always leave with new found concepts and sciences to improve their knowledge. This past conference, held in Indianapolis, Ind., in October, James Amburgey, PhD, with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte presented findings from the fifth International Conference on Swimming Pool & Spa (ICSPS), held in early 2013 at the University of Rome. His discussion peaked a lot of people’s interest with regards to a shift in microbial focus internationally—that is, away from just traditional recreational water illnesses (RWIs). While Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E-coli) (fecal-related illnesses) continue to be serious health issues and incidences are on the rise, a new spotlight is now on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila).

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Embracing education in the operation of water care systems

Providing a healthy and safe swimming environment should be the primary goal for professionals working in the public and residential swimming pool markets. Having thorough understanding and training in proper disinfection is critical to protecting swimmers. The following is an overview on the most current methods of primary and secondary disinfection, and monitoring devices.

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Consumers are attracted to businesses and products with sustainability at the forefront

There is a feeling of hope for the aquatics industry as there have been many signs for a rebound. Yet, the economic crisis created fear, anxiety, frustration, uncertainty and doubt in the minds of both industry professionals and consumers alike. Recovering requires looking at new ways to sell pool products and services. How businesses choose to revolutionize their operations to meet the demands of the consumer will ultimately determine their future. Practicing sustainability can help revitalize a business, but first it must be understood, and embraced.

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