Tag Archives: aquatic facility design

A look at the latest commercial pool accessories, equipment, and design features

Technology continues to advance in the commercial and residential pool markets, as there are always new products, technologies, and design methods being introduced. This article will look at what is trending for 2017. Some of the design options and products that are discussed are not necessarily new to the industry, but thanks to new technologies and innovations, they continue to make an impression on clients who realize they need to have them in their aquatic facilities.

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Building a large community pool where land stability is an issue

How can a large community pool complex be constructed on land that is slightly unstable? In the case of the Horace Mann Pool in Rapid City, S.D., designers used 63 underground concrete piers (along with specially designed cardboard boxes under the floor slab) to accomplish this feat. This project was an engineering and construction marvel, to say the least. As recently as 30 years ago, this type of pool design and construction was not possible. Today, however, when posed with this challenge, these construction techniques are available to builders to make such a project a reality.

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Eliminating barriers at today’s aquatic facilities

Public pools and spas/hot tubs bring people of all ages and abilities together and, therefore, are designed to be an inclusive space. Swimming, exercise, therapy, relaxation, and water play are all activities that can take place in a pool and/or spa/hot tub and, thanks to the innovative design features and access equipment which will be discussed in this article, people of all abilities are able to participate in these activities in the same body of water.

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LA 2024 unveils sustainable aquatics venues

Renderings of a modernized LA Memorial Coliseum and state-of-the-art temporary aquatics facility on USC’s Dedeaux Field were released by the Los Angeles 2024 (LA 2024) bid committee to demonstrate its commitment to delivering world-class sports facilities with minimal cost and construction.

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