Tag Archives: automation

What does the future hold for pool and hot tub automation?

Imagine giving customers the ability to sit poolside on a warm summer evening, touching a familiar screen, and bringing their backyard to life in a way that suits their particular mood. One tap of their finger can transform their outdoor living space to reflect an ambiance or theme that matches the way they felt during that particular evening. Builders have made this possible by creating pre-programmed themes to match holidays, a romantic evening, a neighbourhood get-together, a kid’s birthday party, or a relaxing atmosphere for simply hanging out.

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Making water maintenance easy

Would it be possible for a seasoned pool operator to accurately monitor chlorine (Cl) and pH (potential hydrogen) readings every minute of every day, precisely dispense the proper amount of balancing chemicals, and maintain perfectly balanced water chemistry at all times? The answer is no. However, if the facility was equipped with an automated pH and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) controller(s), the answer would be yes.

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Embracing education in the operation of water care systems

Providing a healthy and safe swimming environment should be the primary goal for professionals working in the public and residential swimming pool markets. Having thorough understanding and training in proper disinfection is critical to protecting swimmers. The following is an overview on the most current methods of primary and secondary disinfection, and monitoring devices.

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The future of saltwater pools

In any given season, the swimming pool industry sees its fair share of new products and technologies. Some are fads that come and go, while others such as passive ionizers or biguanides, which were introduced in the ’90s, experience initial rapid growth and then settle into a niche category. A few become really popular because they create real value. Over time their popularity grows and they become established as they evolve to match changing consumer expectations.

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Mobile technology revolutionizes pool/spa operation

The number of things people can do with a smartphone is rapidly increasing and there are no signs of it slowing down. Today, more consumers are using their mobile phones not only to stay in touch with friends and family, but to also pay bills, make travel/entertainment plans, check weather forecasts and even play games. In fact, sales of these mobile devices (e.g. iPhone,® iPad,® BlackBerry, ® and Google Android™) are measured in millions per month.

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