Tag Archives: Barry Justus

The little things that make an installation shine

By Barry Justus

‘The devil is in the details’ is a familiar phrase to most. It generally refers to the idea that whatever one does should be done thoroughly—details are important. Failing to pay close attention to the details in the watershaping industry can dramatically affect a builder’s bottom line, reputation and the finished project. From the first interaction with a potential client to site cleanup and project commissioning, the details will ultimately determine the … Continue reading The little things that make an installation shine

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Canada to be represented at Pool & Spa Asia

Barry Justus, owner of Poolscape Inc., and regular contributor to Pool & Spa Marketing, has been invited to present a seminar series at Pool & Spa Asia, the only show in South East Asia that brings together international and local manufacturers, suppliers, consultants, designers and distributors to the pool and spa industry.

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Small space design solutions

Builders of aquatic environments are often faced with designing projects and specific elements for small spaces. In these cases, consumer access to the Internet can often be a double-edged sword, as clients often want to include every conceivable option in this limited space. Thus, the job of the designer/builder is to pull in the reigns and offer a design solution that takes into account the client’s personal taste, the home’s architecture, the natural environment, safety and efficiency, while at the same time keeping the project on budget.

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Interior design key to a project’s success

It is interesting to look at photos of award-winning pools and projects showcased in various trade magazines. Rarely is there any interest or focus placed on what is happening inside the pool. Often, photographers go out of their way to avoid showing the pool interior, especially white-plastic steps that are common with packaged vinyl-pool kits.

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Elevating pool design

All swimming pool, spa and water feature designers/builders have had the experience of walking into an empty backyard and trying to visualize the end result. The yard may be as flat as a pancake, on the edge of a cliff, bottom of a hill, have a great view or have an apartment building for a backdrop. No matter the site conditions, the builder’s task is to design and construct a project that is on budget, meets the client’s needs, is suitable for the site situation, and ideally is creative, functional, safe and unique. To do this successfully, swimming pool designers and builders need to…

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Creating unique concrete therapy pools

Contractors have a variety of options when it comes to designing and installing spas—from custom-built stainless steel, copper and concrete (cast-in-place and shotcrete) units to portable models. Generally, budget, deadlines and skill set influence design decisions for custom spas, while off-the-shelf units typically cost less and take…

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