Tag Archives: BioLab Inc

The importance of testing and removing phosphates

By Alicia Stephens and Anjelica Swanson

People purchase hot tubs for many different reasons, including health benefits, therapeutic massage, and overall relaxation.

Regardless of the motivation to purchase, hot tub users want their ownership experience to be as easy and trouble-free as possible. However, due to the hot water and aeration that are key elements to hot tubs, their maintenance can be challenging. Therefore, establishing an effective maintenance routine that includes testing the water regularly … Continue reading The importance of testing and removing phosphates

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The importance of water testing

A green pool, a runny nose, and a car that will not start would generally not be mentioned in the same sentence let alone the same paragraph; however, each event indicates the presence of a problem. For instance, with the car, the battery may be dead or the starter may need to be replaced. A runny nose could be the sign of a nasty cold coming on or an allergy, and a green pool signifies the presence of copper or algae.

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A biochemical catalyst for supplemental pool and spa maintenance

Applying known technologies to everyday practical uses has become commonplace for consumer products, and enzymes are no exception. Probiotic yogurt, laundry detergent, and shampoos use enzymes because of their effectiveness and versatility. In fact, health store shelves sport enzyme products promising to work all sorts of miracles, including improved digestive systems, strengthening hair and giving it shine, and keeping oils and greases from leaving unsightly stains on clothes allowing them to last longer.

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Understanding algae

By Karen Rigsby and Zach Hansen

Algae are microscopic aquatic plant-like organisms. They do not have the same structure as higher plants such as roots, stems and leaves. However, they are like any other plant in that they require the same type of nutrients to grow and utilize sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. In swimming pools, algae can be quite a nuisance; however, they are actually the most important photosynthesizing organisms on earth. They capture … Continue reading Understanding algae

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How to prevent and treat depleted sanitizer levels in pool water

By Karen Rigsby and Zach Hansen

Chlorine demand is defined as ‘the inability to maintain a chlorine residual in a pool or spa’ even after repeated application of a chlorinating product. It is one of the most frustrating problems a pool owner can experience, as continued application of product seems to make no difference in water quality or in the ability to maintain a sanitizer residual.

Think of it like an overdrawn bank account. For … Continue reading How to prevent and treat depleted sanitizer levels in pool water

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