Tag Archives: Bob Harper

The future of saltwater pools

In any given season, the swimming pool industry sees its fair share of new products and technologies. Some are fads that come and go, while others such as passive ionizers or biguanides, which were introduced in the ’90s, experience initial rapid growth and then settle into a niche category. A few become really popular because they create real value. Over time their popularity grows and they become established as they evolve to match changing consumer expectations.

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Identifying saltwater problems related to salt crystal chemistry

It goes without saying salt is a critical component of saltwater pools. Without it, electrolysis within the electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG) could not take place, and chlorine could not be produced to sanitize the water. Yet, ironically, poor quality salt can produce several problems in a saltwater pool, including staining, scale, and increased chlorine demand.

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Making money with saltwater pools

It is no secret the pool industry has been beset by declining sales and profits. The reasons seem obvious: new pool construction is down, consumer spending has slumped, the overall economy is struggling and mass merchants are carrying more and more after-market pool products. Pool owners are also turning to the Internet to purchase pool supplies, which further decreases profits.

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Value-based selling

A customer enters a pool store with an electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG) cell that is scaled beyond repair. If the customer wants to continue enjoying his/her saltwater pool, the cell would need to be replaced and a better quality pool salt with scale preventatives should be recommended. However, due to fear the customer might balk at the cell’s replacement cost, the dealer finds…

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Preventing saltwater scale

Scale is one of the most common and serious challenges in saltwater pool maintenance. It typically forms first on the cell plates of the electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG), where it can remain undetected until the problem is well advanced. It also hampers the effectiveness and lifespan of the ECG cell, which can be costly both to pool owners, who may need to prematurely replace a cell, and to service companies, which will have to…

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