Tag Archives: business

Tips for pool and landscape businesses

Times are changing. As cliché as it sounds, it is a fact; however, this statement means something entirely different today than when it was first written. The reality is, times are not changing once and for all, but instead they are constantly changing. In many cases, especially where technology and advertising is concerned, what was new this morning is old by next year, next month, or even next week. This is a major concern for many with small- to medium-sized businesses in the swimming pool and landscaping industry that depend on the average consumer to succeed. What worked as a staple in advertising a few years ago may be a lessor priority in today’s web-induced world.

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APSP names CEO search firm

The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) has called on Vetted Solutions, a Washington, D.C.-based executive search firm, to help the association recruit and evaluate candidates for the position of president and chief executive officer following the planned departure of William Weber come year-end.

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Operating a small pool business

If you are like most professionals in the industry who are operating a small pool/spa business, then there is a good chance you got involved in the trade because it was a fun summer job or way to help out with the family business. However, what you may not have realized until after starting the business and stopped working as an employee, is the work is not all about ‘fun’ anymore.

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Increasing profits using simple design techniques

In the culinary industry, people tend to eat with their eyes first—if it looks good, it is probably going to taste good. This motto can be carried over into the retail industry as well. For instance, people shop with their eyes first; if the store does not look like it should, the consumer will walk away and the retailer will likely miss out on several sales opportunities. Therefore, if a retailer is trying to sell a premium product and the store looks bargain basement, they generally will not get, nor can they ask for, a premium price.

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