Tag Archives: business

New online training program launched for retailers

To help retailers compete with the increasing number of pool owners using the Internet as a primary source for product information, the Swimming Pool Retail Academy has developed an online training program to provide employees with basic knowledge to become a more effective resource for customers.

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Pentair acquires $20 million South American company

Pentair Water Pool and Spa, a manufacturer/supplier of equipment and accessories for residential and commercial swimming pools in Sanford, N.C., recently acquired Sibrape Indústria E Comércio de Artigos Para Lazer Ltda., and its subsidiary Hidrovachek Ltda., a South American manufacturer/supplier of pool products and vinyl liners.

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The Ins and Outs of Job Costing

For many in the pool and spa business, money is looked upon as a taboo topic not to be openly discussed. It is true that in any form of business, be it Canada or the U.S., competitors are restricted by laws from getting specific when discussing pricing, overhead and profit margins with one another. However, understanding these factors in broad, general terms (which are legally discussable) is at the core of the success of any profitable business—especially in the world of pool and spa contracting.

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Showroom design ideas

The benefits of the information age are continuing to grow even today. While the Internet has given us access to vast amounts of information and data, it has also given rise to wonderful new concepts that no one ever could have imagined. Companies like social media giant Facebook and retail giant Amazon exist today because of the wide spread acceptance of the Internet. In the last few years, buying products online has led to a new philosophy on how brick and mortar stores must approach store design.

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How to get the appointment

When a homeowner makes their first call to a pool/spa builder or service company, they are looking for the expert help only a trained professional can provide. Unfortunately, many of these potential customers, who are often eager to spend…

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