Tag Archives: business

Creating an ownership culture

Before employees bought Counsilman-Hunsaker (this author’s former business) in 2012, the firm was in the same difficult place many long-time pool and hot tub business owners find themselves today. Like Counsilman-Hunsaker, a large number of companies in this industry were founded in the ’60s and ’70s by individuals with strong personalities, who spent many years working in the business—not on the business. These companies often involve family members or employees who are like family.

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How to remain competitive in the age of online shopping

Online retailers know they only have a few seconds to convert a page view into a sale; however, the same can be said for brick-and-mortar stores, too. Instead of page views, it comes down to the appearance of the store and how the consumer perceives and connects with it. In this case, it becomes more about their overall experience and how they relate with the store’s brand.

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