Tag Archives: covers

Liquid pool covers

With both energy costs and global awareness towards environmental stewardship on the rise, the City of Thunder Bay, Ont., has made energy management a strategic priority. In doing so, the city set several objectives in its 2011-2014 strategic plan,which includes a long term goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the wise use of energy. One of the city’s strategic directions is to reduce the total carbon-based energy consumption within the city below 2005 energy baseline levels.

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Hot tub cover specifications

Replacement hot tub covers are custom made and not stocked by manufacturers the way they are in retail stores, which is why it is extremely important that specifications are accurate when orders are placed. Cover manufacturers rely on getting all the details when a product template is not available. Otherwise, the customer could…

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Safety covers

A swimming pool cover, when properly installed, can provide owners with energy savings and added security. However, while many clients want to reap these benefits, they also want the cover to be…

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